Raised Access Flooring Solutions Since 1979 ... Because Experience Matters

About Us

About Us
John Pendergast Consulting was created with the vision of offering something more than one readily finds in today's marketplace: Real experience backed by professional results. Having been in the raised floor industry for over 40 years (I started in a family business in 1979), I have seen a lot of change in the business sector as a whole, and the specialty raised floor division in particular. Not all the change has been good.

I started out in the warehouse of my father's company, graduated to service calls, and then went on to installations. My father was an old-school master who taught the timeless lessons of service, product knowledge, accountability, and responsibility. It was not until I was well-versed in the service end that I was promoted to the sales and management aspects of the business. While there have been many changes in the construction field with computer-based programs to aid in design, bidding, and communication, there seems to have been an erosion of the time-honored tradition of providing service with a high degree of competent and skilled workmanship. I could report how many millions of square feet we have installed, or claim that we are among the world's top leaders in the raised floor market, but little of that really matters to you, the customer, looking to speak with a live person today who will answer your questions the same day, not tomorrow or next week or whenever someone has the time to get around to you!

When considering a name for my company, "consulting" was chosen as part of the name because in my 40 years of experience, my interaction with customers is always as a consultant, someone who is working for you. So instead of telling you how many things I can do for you, call me and let's talk. Find out for yourself what John Pendergast Consulting and 40 years can offer you.

Because when all is said and done, experience really does matter.

Before  and After
Before and After
